Agneberg for Sheriff ~ Peace Officer ~ Unaffiliated

Paul Agneberg

Photo Credit: Arthur Wessel Photography

Howdy Folks,

My name is Paul Agneberg, I am running for Eagle County Sheriff, and I'd like to tell you a little about myself; 

I was born and raised in Vail. I attended Red Sandstone Elementary School, the Eagle County Charter Academy, and I graduated from Battle Mountain High School in 2003. I grew up skiing and snowboarding and playing ice hockey and soccer in Vail.  

I am running Unaffiliated to any political party because I am not bound by any limiting ideologies that seek to divide and view the other as separate. My campaign is a movement of the People and it is inclusive for ALL because we are all one. I seek to unite the People of Eagle County, bringing us together for our shared peace, prosperity, and continued ascension. My goal is to create a powerful force of love, bonding, resonance, and openness that empowers the People of Eagle County to be self-governing.  

If we cannot be self-governing, but must submit to others to govern us, then we are saying that we are incompetent of being responsible for ourselves.

I am stepping forward and saying, "Hey, this is wrong!" about how our government systems are currently operating. I am challenging and questioning the validity of our present state and current societal practices so that we, as a community, take a fresh look at our customs and habits. Our society becomes stagnant if we refuse to challenge and question the validity of the things we are doing. So, my goal is to open up the discussion: Why are we doing the things we do? Can we do them better? Are there other ways to accomplish the things we want as a community?

My background and qualifications to be your Sheriff come from my training in Law; since 2016 I have been studying Natural Law, Common Law, and Constitutional Law. I have been engaging and challenging our court systems since that time, fighting for Civil Rights. Since November 2020, I have been actively preparing for this role of Sheriff, training with a mentor, who has 40 years of law experience.

My law training and my experience in court provide me with a unique perspective into the workings of our justice system and has prepared me to understand the responsibilities of the Sheriff according to the legal system and the State and Federal Constitutions. I am fully realized in what I am undertaking. My law training, in actuality, rivals any law degree and I challenge any lawyer in Eagle County to a public debate on law.

I graduated from Fort Lewis College in 2009 with a degree in Sports Administration and a minor in Athletic Coaching. I am trained to manage and administer an entire department and much more, without limitations. I coached youth hockey for 7 years from 2007-2014. The kids that I coached responded really well to my leadership. I wrote my Senior Seminar titled: Motivation and Ability to Cope with Stress and Anxiety in Sport. In short, I learned that Athletes who are intrinsically motivated are better able to cope with the anxiety of performing under pressure. This simple bit of knowledge had profound impacts on my ability to motivate athletes by shifting their perception to improving one's skills only because they wanted to get better. 

As a coach, I considered myself a teacher. I always emphasized fundamentals and I taught cooperation over competition.

I am a leader and I consider myself a master motivator who can get the best out of people. I know people respond well to my leadership because I emphasize fundamentals and I value and encourage the inherent creativity of the individual in coming up with solutions. My communication style is direct and to the point. I keep my cool and I am a skilled mediator.

In 2014, I began taking classes in Sustainability Studies from Colorado Mountain College in Edwards. From those classes I became interested in Agriculture, specifically Permaculture/Indigenous Agriculture. I travelled to Texas in 2015 and studied Sustainable Agriculture for two years at Austin Community College while living, working and volunteering on farms.  In 2018, I earned a Leadership Certificate in Sustainability from Colorado Mountain College in Edwards. Currently, I own my own small business as an herbalist and I work Zero Waste Events for Walking Mountains Science Center.

Eagle County is my home and I love and care deeply about the entire area. 

One of my many passions is creating local, sustainable, and resilient food systems. But my main area of expertise is on the subject of Law. Through self-study, training with a mentor, and my own engagement with law enforcement officers and the judicial system; I am more than competent when it comes to 'how to enforce the law' and I understand the inherent power 'We the People' possess within our constitutional government.

The Law of Nature

The basic principles of Law are found in the 10 commandments which recognizes certain basic rights among people and their relationship to one another. Over the centuries, men have expounded upon the basic law and one thing to emerge from that is Common Law

Common Law is the law that is common to us, the People, through Natural and Divine Law. It is the Law of the LandIt’s the law that our Constitution is based upon. An example would be "do no harm" and, in Common Law, translates to; a person commits a crime when they injure another person or their property. If there is no victim, there is no crime.

The Law of Nations is a series of documents from authors of Natural Law that lay out the "Principles of the Law of Nature Applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns". The significance of The Law of Nations resides in its distillations from Natural Law of an apt model for international conduct of state affairs. The Law of Nations is the most influential document our Founding Fathers read as guidance in declaring their Independence from the British and in the formation of the united states of America. 

The Law of Nations is the private international law between sovereign individuals, families/tribes, courts, grand juries, townships, counties, states, and nations. It has been well established under various international conventions for thousands of years. All administrative rules, regulations, statutes, and Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) are derived from the organic Law of Nations

The general principles of The Law of Nations are that nations being composed of men naturally free and independent, and who before the establishment of civil societies, lived together in the state of Nature... It is a settled point with writers on the natural law, that all men inherit from Nature a perfect liberty and independence, of which they cannot be deprived without their own consent.

The United States Constitution expressly recognizes the Law of Nations and our constitutional government is based on the inherent sovereignty of the individual established under the Law of Nations. It cannot exist any other way except through usurpation.  

"The essential nature of the Law of Nations is well established. We are to understand the code of public instruction which defines the rights and prescribes the duties of nations in their intercourse with each other. The faithful observance of this law is essential to national character and the happiness of mankind." - James Kent

It is from The Law of Nations that constitutions are created and lawful de jure governments are consummated. Any government that portends to hold power and wields authority without being answerable to these Laws are de facto governments ruling by occupation, usurpation, and exploitation. De facto governments justify their existence by the rule of force and coercion, not by the rule of Law. 

Do 'We the People' know the difference between what was intended (de jure) versus what we are experiencing in the form being ruled under commercial codes and criminal codes (de facto) where the State is claiming to be injured by our actions? Legitimate, lawful, de jure, governments of the People, by the People, and for the People still exist if we understand the power that 'We the People' possess in our Divine Sovereignty. 

The Declaration of Independence expressly recognizes a Higher-Creator-Power: 

"WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them...

"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness-- that to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."  

Our Founding Fathers were astute Statesmen aware of a Higher power and they wanted everybody, especially the King, to know that we are "endowed by (our) creator with certain unalienable Rights" meaning that we have certain Rights which are incapable of being given away except by our consent. 

Being a creation of a Higher-Creator-Power and placed in Nature, We the People then created this thing we call 'government' to ensure our shared welfare, peace, and prosperity. The thing that we created cannot rule over us, just as the clay pot cannot rule over the sculptor of the pot. When we embody and walk in the Truth of who we are, we understand that the Ultimate authority in our lives is God-Source-Creator.

Ascending into our highest potential as a species requires us to remain open to new possibilities of achieving the supposed impossible. We must have a willingness to explore and learn what we don't know about ourselves. And we must be committed to achieving group consciousness through oneness of the heart. Learning about ourselves and our highest potential, we discover who the Ultimate authority is in our search for an effective and fulfilling way of self-government. 

Government by Consent

Our Founding Fathers were students of law and history and they knew where they had come from, knew where they were, and had a vision of where they wanted to go. With that knowledge they gave us the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the united states of America. They worked hard to create a system that moved slowly yet was capable within its construction to correct the ills of society as the consciousness of the People developed. In 250 years, we have made greater strides for the ability of all men and women to have a choice than any society in recorded history. 

Freedom comes from having choices. And with choices comes great personal responsibility. I will guide us into discovering the personal responsibility required to be self-governing, Sovereign People. In short, Sovereign means "no ruler". Our Founding Fathers declared their Independence from the British Crown, asserting their sovereignty, while stating"...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed...". Consent, what a fascinating concept...

Sometimes, out of need to control or for the purpose of creating revenue, governments create statutes. The thing about some statues is that they don't always follow the Law and thus can violate our unalienable Rights as sovereign individuals.

When the government makes a statute that compels us to discriminate against good and approve what is bad, should we obey those laws? If the thing that we created forms policies that violate our Rights, is government not then acting in violation of the Law? If the government statue is in violation of the Law, then for one to obey that statute causes that one to disobey the Law. Those who obey unlawful statutes perpetuate the unlawful acts of government and make society a lawless society. 

Understanding that government is a tool that we created to serve us and that the thing we created cannot rule over us; I am offering the People of Eagle County an alternative from the current lawlessness that has infected our government systems and thinks that it rules over the People who created it. We have a choice in what form of government we want to live by. Weather that form be just or unjust depends upon the justness of the People and how much we are willing to use our common sense and logic to live by what is right and just.  

Under our constitution, we have the Right to live under the authority of any system we choose whether it be an individual idea or a group philosophy. If we choose to live a life under a different philosophy than that which prevails with the majority, we have the Right to do so, as long as we do not harm the Rights of others. 

Victimless Crimes

The Nature of a crime requires that there be a victim and a perpetrator. A victimless crime is when the State claims to be a victim of our actions. The State being a creation of 'We the People' cannot claim to be a victim because it is a made-up thing. An analogy is; a sculptor sculpts a clay pot, the clay pot cannot rule over the sculptor. As the sculptor of the pot, I have the Right to do as I wish with the clay pot, including destroying it, and the clay pot cannot claim that it is a victim of my actions. A lawful victim is a human-being. 

Since 2016 I have been engaging our court systems, challenging the validity of victimless crimes. I decided to go out and get traffic tickets on purpose to test the system. Though my engagement of our justice system I have learned that there is a serious lack of due process and accountability from judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers. 

All of these people in our government take Oaths to uphold the Constitution. However, many of them fail to live up to their Oaths and the standards set down by the Constitution. 

Many of the prosecutors I have encountered do not have Oaths of Office as is required by State Constitutions. Many of the judges I have encountered have failed to be neutral and seem to be in collusion with prosecutors in order to obtain convictions, which is a violation of the separation of powers and equal protection. Many law enforcement officers unconstitutionally seize property without a warrant. 

The system is broken, and I am here to fix it. I am using my background to correct the lawlessness I have experienced in our justice system. The rules and standards of our Constitution are actually really simple and strait-forward. For example, a law enforcement officer is required to obtain a warrant in order to seize property. There is no "if, and, or but's" in the Fourth Amendment. 

I intend to get back to the basics of the 4 organic laws of this country. I want social justice for everybody according to our legal system so that there is a high respect for law enforcement and policing in Eagle County. 

I want Eagle County to be the safest county in Colorado because I don't want the People to be worried about being robbed or their Rights violated by law enforcement officers. And that's what separates me from Sheriff van Beek: I will never use violence against peaceful, non-violent people. I am giving the People of Eagle County a choice in protecting the People from not only freelance criminals, but those wearing a badge and trying to generate revenue or enforce their perception of morality using victimless crimes. 

The reality is, I respect our justice system more than anybody. That is why I do what I do. Lots of things the justice system does relating to victimless crimes is unconstitutional from invalid warrants, a lack of Oaths of Office from Deputy District Attorneys, the lack of Due Process from judges and law enforcement officers, and lack of Equal Protection in the court room.

Power vs. Force

Our current law enforcement and justice system uses Force in the form of punishment, coercion, shame, fear, and violence to effect compliance. Our detention system shames and punishes People for mental health and addiction issues that could be healed through higher consciousness principles. Dr. David R. Hawkins lays out a Map of Consciousness in his book Power vs. Force. According to Dr. Hawkins, Force is of a lower consciousness, weak attractor patterns, is based on falsehoods, and universally experienced as destructive. Punishment is a form of violence and is based on revenge at the weak attractor level of 150 on the Map of Consciousness. 

Power, on the other hand, is of a higher consciousness, self-sustaining, and effects healing and positive change through stronger attractor patterns such as love, acceptance, understanding, and forgiveness. 

Are there other ways we can deter undesirable and potentially injurious behavior instead of through a punitive paradigm that uses humiliation, punishment, shame, and violence while labeling people 'criminals'? Are there other ways to accomplish the things that we want to as a community without the use of Force?

Power accomplishes without effort what Force cannot do, for it goes where Force cannot follow. Guided by the Map of Consciousness, we can view mental health and addiction as something that can be healed through the higher consciousness principles of love, understanding, and intention, while helping people find meaning in their lives.

As long as we insist on using Force to govern ourselves as a community, we cannot foster true healing and rehabilitation for our community members in need of assistance and, collectively, we will be stuck in lower realms of consciousness. My role is to guide our law enforcement and justice systems into operating from Power principles. As a community, we have the authority to alter our detention center and justice system into operating from a rehabilitative paradigm using Restorative Justice models and techniques.

Throughout my presentation I will refer to Power vs. Force and how we can govern ourselves using Power principles. 

Restorative Justice

According to the principles of Restorative Justice, crime is a community problem, not an individual problem. We need to understand the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of crime in relation to our environment and community. The orientation of justice has to change from punishment to healing. We don't need more police, we need more education and better mental health services. 

Getting victim and perpetrator together in the same room and learning how and why they crossed paths with each other is key to understanding how to prevent similar crime in the future.  

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the objectives of Restorative Justice are:

  • to attend to victims' needs
  • reintegrate offenders in the community
  • enable offenders to assume responsibility for their actions
  • recreate a working community that supports victims and offender rehabilitation
  • avoid escalation of legal justice and the associated costs and delays.  

This is an alternative to criminalizing people and I will guide us into implementing existing paradigms and models of Restorative Justice and rehabilitation through Power principles. 

Detention Center Reformation

The current paradigm for a detention center is punishment.  Looking again at the map of consciousness, we can see that the current detention system uses Force in the form of humiliation, shame, and violence to punish people for addiction and mental health issues while calling it "rehabilitation". The main goal of a detention center is to detain people who have yet to be convicted, awaiting trial. The question I would like to pose is; If we value the presumption of innocence, then why are we punishing innocent people who have yet to be convicted?

The Sheriff is in charge of the inmates of the County Jail Facility. As Sheriff, I have the authority to offer activities that positively impact the mental health of inmates, rather than punishment. We have a tremendous opportunity to assist detainees with mental health and addiction issues while they are guests in our local detention center. 

My vision is to have inmates outdoors all day participating in various activities including gardening and mindful movement. By being outside all day, inmates are exposed to the free therapeutic benefits of fresh air and sunshine; both of which positively impact mental health. I will oversee gardening and horticulture with the idea of the inmates learning to grow food and herbs for themselves and providing nutrition in their diets.  I know from experience that working with plants is extremely therapeutic and healing. The inmates will learn skills that will make them less reliant on social programs when they get out of jail.  

I will work with other mental health organizations in Eagle County to ensure that the inmates are receiving the best mental health services we can offer. I will ensure that inmates have access to mindfulness tools such as meditation, yoga, and good self-help books that have positive impacts on mental health while helping to find meaning in their lives. 

My vision is to offer Vipassana meditation courses for inmates, deputies, first responders, and all government employees. Vipassana is a way of self-transformation through self-observation. It helps people cope with trauma and addiction and is being used with extraordinary results in a maximum-security prison in Alabama and in prisons in India

It is time that we truly rehabilitate our inmates so that they will come out of jail with mindfulness tools, skills, and resources that they can use while integrating back into the community. 

The Power of Local Government

With regards to sovereignty and the principles of self-government, power does not come from the top-down but from the bottom-up.

Most people believe that government gives us our Rights and has the power to control our actions. That is only so in a "Democratic" or Socialist form of government. In a "Republican" form of government, power rises up from the heart, the soul, and the will of the individual and is based on the "Unalienable Rights" of We the People.

The power in a Republican form of government is at the local level but not everybody who works in government understands this. Take for example this recent article from the Aspen Times where an Aspen town councilperson proposed decriminalizing psilocybin mushrooms:

Aspens drug culture comes to bear at Aspen city council table

"Councilwoman Rachel Richards reiterated her position Tuesday that psilocybin, the psychoactive ingredient found in mushrooms, remains a schedule 1 drug by the federal government, and Aspen has no place in attempting to remove that classification."

If we appealed to and asked permission from the Federal Government to tell us what is appropriate, cannabis would still be illegal. Colorado was the first State to legalize cannabis in 2012 when it was illegal Federally. Denver recently decriminalized psilocybin mushrooms while it is still illegal at the Federal level. The power in our government structure is at the local level. But We the People are NOT holding that power right now. 

If we have one enemy, it is "ignorance". Change comes from awareness of our power as sovereign beings.

I will guide the People of Eagle County into reinstating our government systems back to the original intent of our Founding Fathers -- of, by, and for the People, where power resides in the inherent sovereignty of the individual. I will guide us into discovering and wielding our sovereign power in order to do the things that we feel are beneficial to our welfare, peace, and prosperity as a community without having to appeal to or ask permission from the Federal or State government, because WE ARE the government.  

Constitutional Sheriff

First and foremost, the Sheriff is the Peace Officer. As Sheriff, the attitude of my Department will be that the People of Eagle County are NOT the enemy. As Sheriff, I will never use violence against peaceful People. 

People, do you really think that our county and judicial system are operating constitutionally? Again, if we have one enemy, it is ignorance.

The current "justice" system creates crime in the form of traffic codes and criminal codes, both of which are foreign to Common Law. The system creates 'victimless crime' for the purpose of generating revenue. Are there other ways to deter undesirable and potentially injurious behavior while maintaining a harmonious budget? A way that doesn't label people criminals and doesn't benefit financially from convictions? 

In my opinion, we only have to be creative and willing to try models of Restorative Justice...

I have extensive legal training and experience in court, engaging, challenging and being witness to our justice system. 

In my many experiences, our justice system is not operating Constitutionally. I’ve found there’s a major lack of accountability from our elected and appointed officials in Due Process matters. For example:

  •  The Deputy District Attorneys who prosecute many of the cases in Eagle County do not have Oaths of Office on file and therefore, according to the Colorado Constitution, are disqualified from prosecuting. 
  • In several of my experiences, judges blatantly ignore procedural issues while seemingly valuing convictions over justice, which is a violation of Due Process and Equal Protection.
  •  The Presumption of Innocence has vanished from our justice systems. 
  • Our law enforcement officers search and seize property without warrants, which is a violation of the 4th Amendment of the Federal Constitution.
  • Another issue is that we, the People, do not know how to access an Article III, constitutional court, one that proceeds according to the Common Law. 

These are real issues that the Sheriff should be aware of, because included in the Sheriff's many duties are ensuring that our judicial system and other county systems are operating constitutionally, that our Rights are protected under the Constitution, and that our elected and appointed officials are held accountable to their Oaths of Office. 

Why does our current Sheriff allow such lawlessness to occur in our county?

If our current Sheriff is aware of this lawlessness and injustice, then he is complicit, if he is unaware, then he is ignorant. Either way, it is not good enough. 

Together, we can reinstate our government systems back to the Constitutional vision our Founding Fathers intended. 

Drugs vs. Plant Medicine

An inquiry into consent: When did we consent to drug laws? Or were they forced on us without our consent? Where/when did we consent to the authority that tells us which drugs are appropriate and acceptable and which drugs are inappropriate and illegal? 

Drug laws that make illegal thing that come from Nature are unconstitutional. These laws violate our Unalienable Rights because, being a creation of God-Source-Creator and placed in Nature, we have the Right to have a direct relationship to Nature without interference from government or corporations. These laws violate our Constitutional Rights because we have a 1st Amendment Right to practice the Religion of our choice. And there is anthropological evidence that our ancestors from every continent were/are using plant and fungi medicines for spiritual and religious purposes.  

I think it is important to distinguish between drugs and plant medicine. The google definition of 'drugs' is: "a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body." Based on this definition we could say that a drug is anything that is altering to the physiology. 

Why are certain drugs like pharmaceuticals, alcohol, and caffeine appropriate to use while other drugs like mushrooms, certain cacti and some plants are inappropriate?

The illegality of these substances is not based on any scientific assessment of the relative risk of these plant and fungi medicines. Rather, it has everything to do with who is associated with these drugs. The 'War on Drugs' began as a way for the government to persecute and silence people associated with the anti-war and civil rights movements.

The distinction that I would like to make between drugs and plant medicine is that plant medicines are things that come from Nature such as mushrooms, cacti, and plants; are generally non-addictive and have no lethal dose. As opposed to drugs, which involve some sort of manufacturing process, are highly addictive, have a lethal dose, and include substances like Methamphetamine, Heroine, Hydrocodone, and Fentanyl.

Growing up in Eagle County, I have known of many people who have died from drug overdoses. We do have a drug problem in Eagle County in that dangerous, deadly pharmaceutical and manufactured drugs are prevalent and accessible. The current drug enforcement paradigm and criminalization of people is not beneficial and does not deter people from using and abusing "legal" drugs.

Is there another way to help members of our community suffering from addiction to drugs without the use of Force and criminalization of these individuals? Can we use Power principles to assist community members through addiction? 

I will decriminalize entheogens meaning that the Sheriffs Department will take no action against people cultivating and sharing substances occurring from Nature. The term 'entheogen' means "to generate or inspire the divine within" and have been used in cultures all throughout the world, since before recorded history, for religious and spiritual purposes. Entheogens are consciousness-expanding and consciousness-liberating substances that are increasingly being used by the medical establishment because of their scientifically proven benefits to effect healing of imbalances including depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, bi-polar disorder, and addiction. 

There are several models of drug decriminalization that we can use as guidance including Portugal and Brazil and local models including Oakland, Denver, and Oregon. 

The reality is, Freedom comes from having choices. When we criminalize and make illegal certain substances, people do not have a choice in seeking alternative methods for healing. The established medical industry has a monopoly on "health". Freedom comes from having a choice in how one wants to heal themselves and that includes going outside of established western medicine to ancient practices of shamanism and entheogen use without fear of prosecution. 

We can decriminalize entheogens while still patrolling and ensuring that dangerous and deadly substances such as Fentanyl, Methamphetamine, and Heroin are kept out of our community.

Decriminalization is the best way forward because legalization without first decriminalization leads to incarceration. Asking government to regulate these things is pernicious and leads to limits for people but never for corporations. Limits lead to people being incarcerated while corporations monopolize and pervert entheogens.

Look at cannabis, large corporations are growing cannabis with toxic chemicals. It is no longer medicine and, in my opinion, it is harmful, especially to our youth, who's brains are continuing their development. Meanwhile, the freedom to cultivate and share entheogens locally leads to stronger community bonds and safer access to these medicines.

By decriminalizing and normalizing entheogens we can educate and ensure safe access, informed information, and responsible use of these sacred and ancient medicines. Young people would not turn to dangerous and deadly pharmaceutical and manufactured drugs when given the choice between hydrocodone and psilocybin mushrooms. 

The real issue is that young people lack guidance and a sense of belonging in our culture. Unfortunately, many of our beloved young people do not have the tools or skills to trust their own intuition when faced with the prospects of adulthood. What our culture is sorely missing are Rites of Passage Ceremonies. Cultures throughout the world have Rites of Passage Ceremonies that guide young people into adulthood. In Native American culture, it is the Vision Quest. In Judaism, it is the bar/bat mitzvah. In Latino culture, it is the Quinceanera when a young woman turns 15. These cultural ceremonies mark turning points from youth to adulthood where young people are guided by elders and with great anticipation will take on roles that benefit their community and family. It gives young people a sense of purpose and belonging in their communities. 

Our culture has no Rite or Ceremony to guide/assist our youth into adulthood. Because there are insufficient alternatives, our youth turn to drugs to feed their tribal needs and their sense of belonging. I am a Rites of Passage Guide and I propose that we develop Rites of Passage Ceremonies for our youth. Rites of Passage Ceremonies are very powerful tools in bringing a sense of purpose and belonging to young people. I understand that not everybody will consent to participate in these Rites and in my opinion, the next best thing is ensuring that people have safe and informed access to entheogens.

Decriminalize Nature is an organization that is leading the movement to decriminalize plant/fungi medicine in local communities and seeks to "restore our connection to ourselves, community, and Nature/Mother Earth, starting with the decriminalization of the consciousness-healing and consciousness-liberating entheogenic plant and fungi allies." Guided by the safe practice protocols outlined by Decriminalize Nature, I will bring together experts in the community and the experience of Sheriff's Deputies in order to create a drug enforcement policy that deters access to dangerous and deadly substances while bringing about safe access, informed information, and responsible use protocols for entheogen use. 

Back to the Basics 

Via 'government by consent' and the power inherent in local government, I propose we, the Sovereign People simply get back to the fundamentals of Law that guided our ancestors while ensuring our shared peace, prosperity, and continued ascension. 

As Sheriff, I will ensure that our county systems are operating constitutionally and that our judicial system is fair and equitable, and that Due Process, Equal Protection, and the Presumption of Innocence is upheld. I will ensure the People have access to an Article III constitutional court that proceeds according to the Common Law and that our elected and appointed officials are held accountable to their Oaths of Office. I understand the role of the County Sheriff in enforcing the laws that the People of Eagle County have consented to and I understand that government is a creation of 'We the People' to serve us, and thus, cannot rule over the People who created it.

Guided by the Laws of Nature, let us discover who the Ultimate authority is in our quest for an effective and fulfilling way of self-government. 

You want change? Change is here. I'm in an attitude of gratitude for all who would join with me. 

Let's kick some ass, Eagle County!


Paul Agneberg


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